What is one new skill you would like to learn, and why?
Purpose: Identify a new skill that excites you and reflect on why it's important to your personal or professi...
Read MoreWhat is one new skill you would like to learn, and what steps can you take to start learning it?
Purpose: Identify a new skill that interests you and outline steps to begin learning it....
Read MoreWhat is one new thing you learned recently, and how can you apply it to your life?
Purpose: Reflect on a recent learning experience and consider its practical applications in your life....
Read MoreWhat is one adventure or experience you would like to pursue in the next year, and why?
Purpose: Identify an adventure or experience that excites you and outline why it's important to you....
Read MoreWhat are three things you can do this week to nourish your creativity?
Purpose: Identify specific actions you can take to give your creative side a boost and make space for self-ex...
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