
What is one habit you recently changed or adopted, and how has it impacted your life?

Purpose: Reflect on how recent changes to your habits have influenced your daily routine and overall well-bei...

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What is one piece of advice you've received that has significantly impacted your life?

Purpose: Dig deep into your past and recall advice that changed your perspective or guided your choices. Refl...

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Who is someone that has had a significant impact on your life, and what is one lesson you have learned from them?

Purpose: Reflect on the individuals who have shaped your life and the meaningful lessons they have imparted. ...

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What are the three most important goals you want to achieve in the next year?

Purpose: Clarify your priorities and set a clear direction for the upcoming year....

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What is one important lesson you've learned from a mentor or teacher, and how has it influenced your life?

Purpose: Reflect on the valuable teachings from people who have guided you, and acknowledge the impact they h...

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